It’s recent news that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, known as the butcher of Kabul and Rocket Yar, rocket lover, has been removed from UN black list. But who is Gulbudding Hekmatyar? Sunni Pashtun born in 1947 in Kunduz Province’s Imam Sahib District, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar founded Hezb-e Islami Party in 1975 recruiting members from the Muslim Youth, Islamist organization of students […]
Afghan ghost soldiers, how and why there are so many
In a country where corruption is endemic and common practice in every layer of the society and market, it comes to little surprise the high number of Afghan ghost soldiers. Every year Afghanistan earns the place of one of the world’s most corrupt countries, and today is less safe than any other time in the […]
Corruption in Afghanistan, Transparency International releases report
Last October 5th leaders from the international community gathered in Brussels for a conference on Afghanistan to sign a new four-year aid deal of 12 billion USD, and a week earlier, on September 28th Afghan National Unity Government (NUG) approved a new law to fight corruption in Afghanistan therefore preventing the leak of some 1 million […]